Brothers Koren
Programs & Coaching
We are SO excited you are here!
We know how important it is to you to feel connection, courage and power in your voice. It is our bias that music is the language of the human soul and singing is the key to the embodied doorway.
Companies we've worked with
Find your voice.
Voice your soul.
Heal the world.
Group Online Programs
We have created two main types of Journeys, for ALL experience levels
Private Coaching w/ the Brothers
Private one-on-one zoom calls with The Brothers Koren to deepen your experience and connection to your Voice, your music, and your story.
The Songwriters Journey
The Songwriter’s Journey is a 6-9 month experience to explore your authentic creative voice, unleash the musical artist in you, and streamline the creative process for voices from all walks of life, culminating in the creation of your Soul Song.
Reclaiming Your Big Voice
Reclaiming Your Big Voice is a 7-week online course for you to take back the microphone from the choir of small voices that silence your big life, and sing!
The Singer's Journey
The Singer’s Journey 10-week transformative experience to find your voice, sing with confidence, and be seen and heard in a supportive group setting.
Online program
April 16th – June 18th- 2025
The Singer's Journey
The Singer’s Journey: Reclaim Your Voice, Redefine Your Power
Discover the transformative power of your voice in The Singer’s Journey, a guided experience running from April 16 to June 18, 2025, with live virtual sessions every Wednesday at 1 PM PST / 4 PM EST.
This 10-week journey is designed to help you embody your true self, express with courage, and sing with purpose. Whether you’ve felt silenced, inhibited, or disconnected, this course offers the tools, practices, and supportive community to break free and reclaim your voice.
Your voice is unique—let it be heard. Are you ready to step into your full vocal power? Register below!
Online program
Coming 2025
Reclaiming Your Big Voice
A 7-week online course with The Brothers Koren to reclaim your voice, take back the microphone from the choir of small voices that silence your big life, and sing!
Remember how musical, valuable and distinct you are! Even if you’re an I’m-not-a-singer type, we’’ll help you break through that illusion — inspiring you to believe you can do anything. And you can.
You will have a chance to work with three basic pillars of the brother’s twenty years of experience, coaching, and research. Register below to join us for this incredible journey!
Online program
starting december 10th 2024
The Songwriter's Journey
A 9-month private or small group coaching quest to Discover your Big Voice and Yourself in song. (no songwriting experience necessary)
Wanna write your own original songs? And sing them powerfully, and even record one?
Have you always loved singing and music since you were a kid, but put music on the back burner to pursue a more ‘sensible’ career? Do you feel like you have music stuck in you that wants to come out, but you don’t know how? Do you wish you could find the help to complete your own song and hear yourself clearly recorded? If you’ve been waiting for someone to ask you these questions all of your life, now is the time to answer your own call. No previous singing, musical, songwriting, or recording experience necessary!
What’s included
- a small group container, that feels more like a private journey with friends alongside you!
- An immersive 9 month Songwriting Journey that culminates in you recording your own song and owning your own music.
- A 10 step practical and fun voyage to share the music that is in you, that IS you!
- Three separate 1:1 breakouts zoom sessions with the Brothers & the BK Team
- 2 hour group zoom calls every other week with the Brothers Koren and your fellow journeyers
- Peer coaching support between zoom calls
- In-person Recording session in Ojai California or Virtual recording with us from anywhere in the world! Record your original song from your SWJ experience!
- The group journey is inclusive of 1 completed recording
Online program
Apply here for the next Songwriter’s Journey group beginning on December 10th, 2024!
Private Coaching with The Brothers
Ready to work 1 on 1 with the Brothers?
Have the Brothers all to yourself and at your schedule!
Your Expression is more than a gift, it is a human need. We use it to transform our lives and perspectives and connect us to who we are at the core.
Our work began in 1 on 1 coaching and a download of The Songwriters Journey, our flagship program! Designed for busy people to Bring music and voice deeply into their life, on their schedule.
We find that many people, in all kinds of careers and walks of life, have a secret desire to sing or write their own songs. Often we find that they have put it on the back burner since college and filed under ‘someday/one day’?
It is our humble opinion that you can have it all. That you don’t have to wait to do the thing you love or to share who you are in a song.
We love to see people integrate their vocation with their unique voice and make an impact with their expressive power and purpose.
1on1 program
The Private Songwriter’s Journey
- 6 – 9 month journey at your pace, sessions set around your schedule
- Private one-on-one zoom calls with The Brothers Koren to deepen your experience and connection to your Voice, your music, and your story.
- Coaching through the ten stage Songwriter’s Journey
- Immersive practice and application of the creative process, using music as the doorway to your genius!
- Deep self-reflection in the safe arms of your own voice
- Get to know yourself in the mirror of music
- Tap into your original voice and lyrics and Learn how to celebrate your songs with the world
- in-person recording retreat, or Virtual recording retreat
- private journey Inclusive of 2 recordings, and add songs at any time along the Journey! ( many people do albums or EP’s with us)
1on1 program
The Private Songwriter’s Journey
- 6 – 9 month journey at your pace, sessions set around your schedule
- Private one-on-one zoom calls with The Brothers Koren to deepen your experience and connection to your Voice, your music, and your story.
- Coaching through the ten stage Songwriter’s Journey
- Immersive practice and application of the creative process, using music as the doorway to your genius!
- Deep self-reflection in the safe arms of your own voice
- Get to know yourself in the mirror of music
- Tap into your original voice and lyrics and Learn how to celebrate your songs with the world
- in-person recording retreat, or Virtual recording retreat
- private journey Inclusive of 2 recordings, and add songs at any time along the Journey! ( many people do albums or EP’s with us)
1on1 program
The Private Song Intensive
Become empowered, embodied, and
connected as a writer and singer.
Form a new powerful and safe relationship to the microphone
Rediscover and come home to YOUR
voice, YOUR expression, and be held in your own song.
We both know the power of creating an original song, and how it can have a transformative impact on our lives, and others.
We created the Private song intensive for someone who wishes to experience the streamlined and powerful experience of writing a song, and recording it with us.
It takes a lot of courage to complete and share song, even for the most experienced of us.
That’s why we make it easy! This is our simplest and briefest creative process dive, for busy people, who only have small powerful moments to devote to their creative, singing self. That’s totally OK.
In fact, to us, that’s all you need.
What’s included
- 4 week journey
- deep dive private intro session with The Brothers
- guided study & games
- 4 hour deep dive virtual day to create Your Song
- 2+ hour virtual or in-person recording session to capture your voice and acoustically produce your anthem.
Interested? Apply here.
1on1 program
The Deep Dive Experience
- Write a new song with the brothers from scratch, or work on any ideas you’ve already started but don’t know how to finish!
- powerful 1hr private intro session
- 4 Hour Virtual or In-Person deep dive session to privately work with the Brothers on songwriting.
- Workshop or write your original songs with the Brothers Koren in one day!
1on1 program
The Deep Dive Experience
Your songs are waiting in the ether.. Are You ready to ‘dare to suck’ and jump into the deep end with the brothers and trust that your creative voice will be honored and served. Let’s do this!
- Write a new song with the brothers from scratch, or work on any ideas you’ve already started but don’t know how to finish!
- powerful 1hr private intro session
- 4 Hour Virtual or In-Person deep dive session to privately work with the Brothers on songwriting.
- Workshop or write your original songs with the Brothers Koren in one day!
1on1 program
The Private Voice Journey
The only person in the universe who has your voice is you and you are the only one who can truly feel the unique freedom it brings. Our strong belief is that we cannot do it alone. We are all singing each other into being.
Our voice is a greatest tool for transformation and vitality, the Private Voice Journey deepens the practice to where you get to embody your personal connection, courage and power of your most authentic voice.
Our wish for you is that you learn to heal yourself with your voice. Our bias is that you are a fully electric and resonant being, having inherited complex vocal learning from your ancestors, your most important tool for inner and outer mastery is your voice.
We welcome you to the dojo where your voice matters, where the world wouldn’t sound the same without you.
Welcome to the home of your voice.
What’s included
- 7 one-on-one Private zoom Sessions with the Brothers
- Bi-Monthly Private Zoom Calls
- Guided voice Studies & Practices
- Discover your true voice!
- Form a new relationship with your expression Experience your singing voice in a whole new way
- Unleash the best voice of your life!